Fundraising Request

L.O.T.U.S. (Love Offering To Unbound Souls)


Inspired by a blending of spiritual traditions, the Love Offering to Unbound Souls (L.O.T.U.S.) is physical installation to house the remembrances of loved ones lost. Just as a lotus flower closes at the end of each day in order to bloom anew, the ritual burning of this temple will provide a communal experience of catharsis and rebirth. With over half of the funding secured, we are seeking an additional $750 in contributions towards bringing this vision to life.


Leading up to ceremonial burn, the 12 ft. tall petals of the L.O.T.U.S. structure will remain hinged open, allowing visitors to enter for moments of respite and introspection. Whether they choose to leave handwritten notes on the temple’s canvas-wrapped petals, place photos or bouquets onto interior shelves, or simply dwell peacefully, participants will be invited to engage in any manner they feel naturally called. An alter at the center, a lotus flower’s natural space of lifeforce and regeneration, will be illuminated by a custom fabricated chandelier and house space for private letters. Just prior to the burning ritual, all offerings will be tightly closed into the L.O.T.U.S. structure. Our hope is that participants in the ceremony receive relief as their their loved ones’ receive their sentiments, which may have otherwise gone unexpressed.


The Love Offering to Unbound Souls will take place in Kentwood, Louisiana during November 11th-13th. It will be held at Engulf, a regional art’s festival highlighting community building, self-expression, and inclusion. To learn more about the festival visit

Questions:   PayPal:  
Zelle/Quickpay: 504-453-0855  Venmo: @whipplicious